Frequently Asked Questions
What if I want to come ‘in-house’?
Tired of running your own agency? Panorama has the option to become an in-house member of Panorama in the event that you do not want the responsibility of running your own independent agency. Sometimes renting your own office, employing staff, managing IT – and all that entails – just becomes too much for you. We may have a solution to help you. However, we encourage you to become an Affiliate first. You may find that our services to Affiliates are such that you will be happy to stay independent and separate. We would be happy to discuss the pros and cons with you. Please feel free to call us to talk about this option.
Will my agency name need to change?
Keep your own name & client marketing. Panorama works for you behind the scenes to bring you access to top insurance companies, in-house rating expertise, and insurance knowledge to help you give the best possible service to your clients.
Become an Affiliate
Expand your opportunities and enjoy more commissions and clients while being supported every step of the way.
Join To Access All Affiliate Benefits
Take your insurance business to the next level by expanding your reach and exceeding your clients' expectations. As a Panorama Affiliate, both your commissions and your book of business will grow. Your business will stay yours while Panorama helps you succeed.

Get Started
In addition to submitting to a review of your book of business, Panorama Affiliates must possess:
- An insurance license in good standing
- Personal and/or commercial insurance sales experience
- An honest work ethic
- The desire to succeed
Give Us A Call
Though it is not mandatory, we can have a more meaningful conversation if you sign and upload the NDA in the Affiliate Application Form.
Complete the Affiliate Application Form And Upload the Docs
Once Signed Up, You Are Ready To Go
Plan to attend orientation, meet the Panorama team and access your new online tools.
Affiliate Application Form
Though it is not mandatory, we can have a more meaningful conversation if you sign and upload the NDA.